

The Mail

To the Editors of the Crimson:

Dean Kilbridge's letter of January 6 hails a "spirit of change and optimism," the end of student revolution, and the corporation's rule against charges lodged by certain professors. An end of student questioning of society's values that might have outlived their usefulness ought to dishearten educators. The "triumph" over professors who question--through formal procedure--what they must have felt--rightly or wrongly--to be a violation of University Statutes is at best imaginary.

These are both negative counts that could not and should not be easily written off by an anticipated move to the great space of Gund Hall and they are no indications of a "morale at or near an all time high." We express our deep concern for the condition in G.S.D. Dennis Holloway   Assistant Professor   Hosni Iskander   Professor   Roger B. Martin   Professor   Charles E. Wood   Lecturer   University of Minnesota


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