The Radcliffe Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society has elected the following seniors:
Julia P. Anderson of Winthrop House and Orinda, California; Barbara J. Bell of 16 Eustace Street and Tallahasee, Florida; Judith K. Bingen of 72 Sparks Street, Cambridge; Amy C. Brodkey of Dunster House and Omaha. Nebraska; Ellen W. Cooney of Lowell House and North Weymouth;
Rorlyn G. Duam of 32 Irving Street. Cambridge; Katherine Fletcher of Dunster House and Seattle, Washington; Joan M. Friedman of Currier House and Manhasset, New York; Ann M. Kinder of Helden Green, Cambridge; Naney Knowlton of Currier House and Darien, Connecticut;
Jane S. Kumin of 4 Washington Avenue, Cambridge; Laura E. Levine of Winthrop House and Stanford, Connecticut; Lucinda A. Lyons of Quincy House and Sheffield, Alabama; Marylyn E. Newman of Dunster House and Rensselaer. New York; Jane B. Phipps of Peabody Terrace, Cambridge; Linda C. Roth of Jordon J Hall and Kensington, Maryland;
Mary E. Sehwab of Winthrop Hall and Gainesville, Florida; Elizabeth S. Spelke of 6 Marie Avenue and Stanford, Connecticut; Carol R. Sternhell of Adams House and Rockville Center, New York; Nancy Stieber of 66 Wendell Street and Avon. Connecticut; Carmela Vircillo of Lowell House and New York;
Rhoda H. Whitman of Jordan J Hall; Betty Zimmerberg of South House and Bronx, New York.
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