
Seniors Plan Protest For 'Equal Admissions

A group of senior women met yesterday afternoon for the second time to finalize plans for a Commencement demonstration for equal admissions ratio.

"If admissions were on a fair, merit basis the ratio would be equal," a Radcliffe senior said yesterday. Several of the women at the meeting plan to write and distribute at Commencement a leaflet explaining the importance of equal admissions and proposing a graduated system for achieving it.

Women who demonstrate will wear a women's symbol with an "equal" sign, silk-screened on white material, which can be pinned to the back of the Graduation gown. Men and other supporters will wear armbands. The silk-screenings will be distributed at the same time as the gowns.

"Most of the seniors I've talked to support this demonstration," a Rad-cliffe senior said after the meeting. "I think most of the class will participate."

It was decided at the meeting that senior men, as well as Faculty, graduate students receiving degrees, and others attending Commencement should be encouraged to wear armbands of support, which will be white with a red "equal" sign.


"This demonstration will emphasize the dissatisfaction which many of us in the Harvard community feel about the way women are treated here-through admissions quotas, and in the employment and Faculty promotion situation," one senior said. "We'd like to see things change."
