To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
Congratulations on your important interview with Andreas Papandreou, March 27 and 29, the exiled leader of the fight against the Pentagon/CIA regime in Greece. What's all the more significant about this conversation is that it discloses a very sincere and human recognition of the mistakes of his own reformist government: mistakes which he, and the brave resisters inside Greece, are struggling to undo. A leftist journalist must continually and remorselessly make us aware of the extent and purposes of the imperialist activities of our government. This interview reminds us that we must not forget Greece and its struggle for liberation.
there is one point that Mr. Papandreou has made else-where which deserves restatement in this light. That is, roughly, that the coup d'etat might have been averted in the first hours-resistance might have taken place-if they (the Papandreou government) had organized the people. That, in effect, the Resistance movement's efforts today are in lieu of the mobilization of the masses that should have begun before the coup.
Leftists in other countries have learned from the Papandreou government's mistakes, and are heeding his cautionary remarks. When I was in Chile (a few weeks back) leaders of the MIR (the Leftist Revolutionary Movement) alluded more than once to Mr. Papandreou's experience and understanding.News Editor, Boston After Dark
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