
Police Arrest 335 at Justice Department

Mayday Camp Atmosphere

WASHINGTON-In Algonquin Peace City people are afraid. Mayday leaders are afraid that internal disputes may destroy the sense of community they are trying to build. They are afraid that the government may be trying to trap them in their campground. They are afraid of a massive influx of people looking for another Woodstock or a chance to trash.

Mostly, Mayday people are afraid because they are finding that building a peace city is harder than they imagined.

Because the park is surrounded on three sides by water, it has only three exits, all of which could easily be blocked by police. Mayday leaders suspect that police may try to keep them pinned in the area Monday morning.

Many of the regional delegations are now discussing the possibility of evacuating the campground for regional movement centers prior to Monday morning.

The New York region has already decided to move to George Washington University Saturday night.


In addition, thefts in the park have become so common that many demonstrators are afraid to leave their campsites unguarded. Each region met last night to set up security forces.

Women at the park have established a Women's Center. Outnumbered four to one, many are complaining of sexism among the demonstrators, and there are rumors of at least one rape.

A statement from Mayday women said in part, "All of the fellows seem to have accepted the Elliott Gould concept of 'demonstration as aphrodisiac' and would more readily get a hard-on than try to communicate with one of their sisters."

A further problem is expected this weekend, as an anticipated 75,000 to 100,000 additional people crowd into the campground.

Mayday leaders fear that many of the people arriving this weekend may be coming not so much for antiwar activity as for rock concerts scheduled for Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.

The feeling at the park is, however, that the situation has improved greatly as demonstrators have become aware of the problems they face.

"Sure it's been tense here the past few days, but we're starting to become aware of what's going on and we're meeting the problems." Rennie Davis, one of the chief Mayday organizers, said yesterday.

Now that the five-day people's Lobby-with its hundreds of arrests-has ended, Mayday organizers hope the demonstrators will use this weekend's cultural festival to rest and plan for the Monday disruptions.

At the Justice Department yesterday, spirits were high as about 1500 demonstrators-more than at any of the week's previous actions-tried to block off entrances to the building.

The demonstration was electrified by the arrival of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Mule Train, followed by about 600 Mayday supporters from the park.

SCLC National Program Director Hosea Williams led the group in singing and chanting as they marched down Pennsylvania Avenue and circled the Justice Department twice.

The Mule Train stopped at one side of the Justice Department, and Williams spoke to a cheering crowd of about 1500.

After the rally, Williams urged his followers to join the demonstrators in blocking the Justice Department entrances.
