
Lights Row Past Columbia, Finish Eight Lengths Ahead

The Harvard lightweight crew demolished a weak Columbia eight Saturday at the Basin, leaving little doubt that they have the potential to be at least as strong as last year's undefeated varsity boat.

The 2000 meter race was never in question as Harvard had stroked to a boat's length lead by the 200 meter mark. The Crimson increased the lead to four lengths by the half way mark and were an amazing eight boat lengths in front at the finish.

After rowing the first twenty strokes at a 40 per minute pace the lights settled to a 35 per minute verge for the body of the race before hiking to 40 for the final spurt.

The nucleus of last year's boat is still intact with second year captain Dave Harman at stroke, Dick Moore, Chuck Hewitt, Jim Richardson, Tony Brocks, Phin Sprague and cox Fred Yalouris. The only newcomers are sophomores Andy Narva and Ephram King.

Coach Steve Gladstone, whose lights have been undefeated through the last three years, was obviously pleased with Saturday's performance. "I am quite satisfied with the boat," he commented, "and plan no changes in personnel. Steady improvement however, will be required if we are to do as well against much stronger upcoming opponents."


Captain Harman also seemed quite pleased with the victory. "The boat could have been smoother." he commented, "but it definitely felt powerful."

Indicative of the strength of this year's varsity boat is the fact that the highly rated Brown heavyweight crew, although rowing into a slight headwind later in the afternoon, took 11 seconds longer than the Crimson lights to cover the course.

In other lightweight action, Harvard's JV boat crushed Columbia by ten lengths. The JV boat proved last year at the Eastern Sprints to be second only to its own varsity in the lightweight division. Its goal this year is to repeat that performance.

Harvard's freshmen lights, coached by Bo Anderson, outdistanced Columbia's freshmen by 15 seconds.
