To the surprise of no one, Fordham. Duqnesne, and Villanova accepted bids yesterday to participate in the N C A A Eastern regional scheduled to begin March 13.
Duquesne will met Ivy League champion Penn at Morgantown, W. Va. in a game that will decide, if nothing else, the championship of the state of Pennsylvania.
Villanova faces the undetermined Middle Atlantic Conference champion at the University of Pennsylvania while tenth-ranked Fordham tangles with the Southern Conference winner at St. John's in New York.
The sectional titlist will advance to the national championships March 25-26 in the Houston Astrodeme.
Other teams named to N C A A berths included second-ranked Marquette, ninth-ranked Jacksonville, Notre Dame, Houston, and New Mexico State.
The NIT selection committee in New York named St. Bonaventure as their first pick for the sixteen-team tournament which will open March 20 at Madison Square Garden.
Dayton and Tennessee were the other squads selected on this first day. Dayton, which has won 11 of its last 13 games, will be making its twelfth appearance in New York while Tennessee, who counts among its victims Kentucky and Houston, will be competing for the third time in this annual college classic.
Harvard coach Bob Harrison rates Pennsylvania's chances as good in the N C A A. "Penn is so deep in strength in every position. There's no point in keying on any one man, they can hit you so many ways," Harrison said.
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