
Stickmen Name Tom Paul Captain Under New Coach

Tom Paul has been elected captain of the 1971-72 Crimson hockey team. The junior from Duluth, Minn, was named yesterday afternoon at a meeting of his teammates.

Sophomore Bob-McManama said of the election. "I thought it was an excellent choice. Tom gets along really well with everyone on the team. which is very important. He always plans inspired hockey."

At 5'9". 150 pounds. Paul is one of the smallest men on the team. But from the left wing position, he contributed highly to the Crimson success this season. Playing alongside Harry Reynolds and Jay Riley on the third line, Paul's point total this year came to 15- eight goals and seven assists.

In his freshman year. Paul was third-leading scorer on the team with. 14 goals, despite the fact that he suctioned a head injury early in that season. Last year as a sophomore. Paul- an excellent stick-handler and playmaker- chipped in 23 points.

In his job as captain next year. Paul may have the added difficulty of helping the players adjust to a new coach, as Cooney Weiland is retiring after 21 years. This might not furn out to be much of a problem, though, as assistant coach Billy Cleary, who ran practices this year, is considered the most likely man to get the post.


Paul said of his duties as captain, "I'm not responsible for organization like a coach. My job involves being a leader and trying to inspire people. That's going to be a challenge."
