To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The recent U.S. South Vietnamese invasion of Laos should serve to focus the attention of the Harvard community on the recent deplorable action of the Government Department in guaranteeing that Henry Kissinger can return to his old position whenever he chooses. Such action is morally unsupportable and should receive the strong condemnation of the community which should take necessary measures to see that it is reversed.
At the outset let me say that I would not deny Kissinger the right to teach because of his views.
The case is different now, however Kissinger has been involved in the perpetuation of acts which are clearly ethically corrupt and are most probably criminal. In a very real sense the blood of innocents is all over his hands. This certainly does not qualify him for a tenured faculty position. As a man who has systematically helped to engineer the death of thousands of people he should be regarded in the same light as any other criminal and the Harvard community should ask itself if it would let others with similar qualifications have tenured positions.
Furthermore, Kissinger has been involved in the systematic lying that continually flows forth from the White House and one must seriously question the intellectual honesty and credibility of a man who would engage in such acts not to mention his ethical standards. The Harvard community should reject the moral shoddiness of the Government Department and see that it changes the action.
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