While a Laos teach-in specifically protesting the extension of the war in Southeast Asia will be held today at M. I. T., the Harvard Liberation Alliance will sponsor a day of protest at Harvard's Longfellow Hall against U.S. imperialism in general.
Noam Chomsky and Cynthia Fredericks, both speakers at the Harvard teach-in held in February, will be present at the M. I. T. teach-in with Fred Branfman, a former freelance correspondent in Laos and David Dietch, financial columnist of the Boston Globe. The New University Conference is sponsoring the lecture which will begin at 8 p.m. tonight in Kresge Auditorium.
During the day, the Harvard Liberation Alliance will discuss forms of antiwar activity at 2 p.m. in Longfellow Hall. The Alliance, whose ranks include former members of the November Action Committee, a handful of SDS members and some radical graduate students, is stressing its opposition to all forms of U.S. imperialism.
According to James Stodder '72, The Alliance sees Vietnam as the most horrendous example of U.S. imperialism ever. "We differentiate ourselves from the liberal Democrats of the February teach-in at Harvard, who only object to the Vietnamese war because it is long, futile and costly," Stodder said.
The activities will include discussions led by Rosgelio Reyes of the Latin American Liberation, Louis Ganlen of the Young Lords Party, a socialist group for Puerto Rican independence, Ngo Vinh Long, a member of a South African Liberation group and Caroline Hunter, a member of the Polaroid Revolutionary Workers.
As the teach-in at M. I. T. will discuss the U.S. position in Southeast Asia, the Harvard Liberation Alliance will consider the importance of extending National Liberation movements not just in Southeast Asia but all over the world.
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