

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I don't want to get into the argument between Mr. Epstein and Mr. Garry (CRIMSON, March 3). However, I have read Mr. Epstein's article in the New Yorker and heard Mr. Garry here last week. I also saw the last 15 or 20 minutes of the David Frost show on Monday, and I cannot blame Mr. Garry if he shows his impatience with a middle-class white person who in 1971 suggests that Mr. Garry settle "for a mostly white middle-class jury" in the trial of Bobby Seale, when this same person can speak of the shooting of black persons by police as "just ghetto incidents." (I would be willing to disbelieve the quote in the CRIMSON had I not heard Mr. Epstein make a similar statement on the David Frost show.)
