

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The article by Peter Rollins discussing the special treatment of Harvard graduates by other universities filled me with great pride at my being associated with Harvard. I showed the article to other Harvard graduates and their chests swelled with pride, too. They know from personal experience that Harvard students are in fact treated especially well around the country and are the last, absolutely the last people turned down by universities when they apply for jobs this year. Yes, how wondrous is the special status of a Harvard man in unemployment lines around academic circles.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I must take exception to Mr. Kriesberg's passing comment that the Committee of Inquiry (sic) is powerless (Feb. 11, "Inside the CRR").


The Commission of Inquiry recently obtained the reinstatement of my 1969-70 staff tuition scholarship ($1280) granted but later resccinded by a GSAS Assistant (now Associate) Dean. (I was a GSAS Teaching Fellow while a GSE student.)

After nearly a year of getting nowhere, I was moved and grateful to find an office that was responsive, not to mention sympathetic and effective: it took precisely seven days to complete action.

Thank God for the (admittedly less substantial) Commission of Inquiry!
