

The Harvard Lampoon announce the names of its new officers for 1972. They are: S. Eric Rayman '73, of Scarsdale, N.Y. and Eliot House, President; John M. Gilpin '73, of Boyce, Va. and Adams House, Ibis; Ian Frazier '73, of Hudson, Ohio and Dunster House, Narthex; James H. Siegleman '73, of Shaker Heights, Ohio and Mather House, Vanitas; James M. Downey '74, of Joliet, Ill, and Adams House, Sanctum; Henry J. S. Cheever '73, of Pittsburgh, Pa. and Lowell House, Treasurer; Christopher L. Kyllonen '74, of Hanover, N.H. and Quincy House, Advertising Manager; Jake Arbes '73, of Chattanooga, Tena. and Lowell House, Business Manager; Bruce G. A. McDougall '73, of Toronto, Canada and Dunster House, Sackbut; Christopher H. White '73, of Union, West Virginia and Dunster House, Hautboy.


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