The Phillips Brooks House Association yesterday announced the election of its new officers, to serve for the year beginning March 1, 1972. The new President will be Mort Hauser '72-3, of Dudley House and Litchfield, Illinois; the new Vice-President will be Robert M. Hartley '73, of Lowell House and Cleveland, Ohio.
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LAMPOON OFFICERSThe Harvard Lampoon announce the names of its new officers for 1972. They are: S. Eric Rayman '73, of Scarsdale,
Looking Out for Big JimR EMEMBER THE TRIAL of former Illinois Gov. Otto Kerner Jr. in 1973 for extortion, mail fraud, perjury, conspiracy, and
PBH ELECTIONPhilips Brooks House has elected the following officers: Stephen D. Cooke '75 of Mather House and New York, president; and
No HeadlineThe CRIMSON is pleased to announce the election of Jeremy S. Bluhm 73 of Hollis Hall and Kingston, Reay H.
The Mail PHOTOGRAPHSTo the Editors of the CRIMSON: CRIMSON photographers present at the various employee meetings took pictures of speakers and individuals
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