
DiCara in D.C.


Lawrence S. DiCara '71, soon to take office as Boston's youngest City Councilman, has been in Washington this month reinforcing his contacts with the Massachusetts congressional delegation.

DiCara chaperoned a Catholic Youth Organization group to its convention in Washington November 11 and used the opportunity to try to overcome what he felt was a lack of communication between different levels of government.

DiCara met with Representatives Robert F. Drinan (D-Mass.) and Michael Harrington (D-Mass.) and with the staffs of all four of Boston's congressmen.

Drinan mentioned to DiCara that he might be interested in a bill that Drinan is co-sponsoring with Senator Birch Bayh (D-Ind.) to lower the age requirement for congressmen from 25 to 22. DiCara is 22.

DiCara, however, has disavowed any congressional aspirations. "I wouldn't want to be a congressman even if I could get elected--which is doubtful. I just want to spend my time being a good councilman right now," he said.


DiCara also met with Massachusetts Senators Edward M. Kennedy '54 and Edward W. Brooke for brief personal discussions. "Basically what I wanted to do in all these meetings was touch the bases with these people, tell them I'm elected and that I want to work with them," DiCara said.

William H. Guenther '72, a member of DiCara's campaign staff, explained the purpose of the trip as an attempt to "increase communication between various levels of government," which he said had fallen off under the administration of Mayor Kevin White
