
Burnham Fails To Meet SDS

About ten members of SDS and the University Action Group (UAG) attempted to present a letter to Charles W. Burnham, chairman of the Committee on Right and Responsibilities (CRR) yesterday morning, demanding that police and spotters allegedly placed by CRR in lectures by Richard J. Herrnstein, professor of Psychology, be removed.

The group, armed with a tape recorder, also planned to question Burnham. Burnham, however, failed to appear. He left instead a note saying that the letter could be slipped under his office door.

Burnham said yesterday afternoon that although he was willing to accept the letter, he "had no intention of meeting 14 or 15 people" in his office.

He added that any policeman or spotters in Herrnstein's lectures were not under the jurisdiction of the CRR. Any policemen there certainly are not ours."

The SDS-CAG letter also requested the reinstatement of Ira Helfand '72 and Joseph Rothschild '74, who were suspended from Harvard last year after the CRR found them guilty of harassing Sargent Kennedy '28. Burnham said he had no comment on that demand "at this time."
