
Mitchell's Win Breaks Mark

With only two weeks remaining before the opening meet of the season against Army, the Harvard swimming team held a second inter-squad meet yesterday afternoon to help Coach Don Gambril determine the makeup of the varsity squad.

Although the performances in the meet were, in general, not outstanding, one in particular was exceptional. In the 1000 yd. freestyle, sophomore Fred Mitchell, who has been training extremely hard since June, turned in a remarkable time of 9:54.5, unofficially breaking the school record by over 13 seconds.


Mitchell's time, which one swimmet termed "just unbelievable," is particularly outstanding considering the fact that it came in pre-season, and against limited competition. Mitchell also won the 100 yd. free in a good time of 49A, and appears headed for national ranking.

Co-captain Paul Horvitz, heading a strong contingent of sprinters, won the 50 yd. freestyle in a close race is the time of 22.2.


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