The Crimson sports board wants to make his page an open forum for sports news. We, therefore, encourage all athletes, coaches, administrators, fans, and readers in general to submit letters that present important information or express pertinent comments that you find missing in our coverage.
We realize that we have a tremendous advantage in expressing our personal viewpoints in columns on this widely-circulated page. We will publish all letters, as space permits, under the same policy followed on page two of the Crimson.
In the past, we have received several letters from athletes who wished to bring important facts to the public attention, but would not risk signing the letters for fear of repercussions. We are unable to print anonymous letters because of the risk of violating libel laws.
If anyone finds himself in a situation where he feels vital information is being withheld or overlooked but is afraid of personally putting himself on the chopping block, we encourage him to talk to one of our reporters. The reporter can follow such information, verify it with second sources, and eventually print the story. All interviews with Crimson reporters are confidential and it is our policy never to divulge our sources.
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