
Harvard's Affirmative Action Plan

(The following is a copy of a letter sent to President Pusey from John G. Bynoe. Regional Director for the Office for Civil Rights, finding unacceptable Harvard's initial Affirmative Action Plan.)

Dr. Nathan M. Pusey


Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138


Dear President Pusey:

We regret to inform you that the Affirmative Action Plan submitted November 2, 1970, is unacceptable. The purpose of an Affirmative Action Plan is to set forth specific and result-oriented procedures to which your institution commits itself to apply every good-faith effort. The objectives of these procedures plus such effort is equal employment opportunity. Procedures without effort to make them work are meaningless; and effort, undirected by specific and meaningful procedures, is inadequate. An acceptable Affirmative Action Plan must include an analysis of the areas within which the contractor is deficient in the utilization of minorities and women and, further, must state goals and timetables to which your good-faith effort must be directed in order to correct the deficiencies.

Several members of our staff have reviewed your Affirmative Action Plan and have found it deficient in the above-mentioned areas.

The Affirmative Action Plans of individual departments with the possible exception of one are not in keeping with the attitudes displayed by department chairmen or their representatives. In each meeting held with department chairmen or their representatives, a concerted effort was made to explain what is required of each contractor and what constitutes a good Affirmative Action Plan. Each department chairman or his representative stated that he understood these requirements. However, the plan submitted does not constitute an acceptable Affirmative Action Plan.

Mr. Robert L. Albert, Chief, Contract Compliance Branch in this Office, and other members of this staff are available to you and your staff for any technical assistance and advice that may be needed to formulate an acceptable Affirmative Action Plan.

Sincerely yours,

John G. Bynoe

Regional Civil Rights Director

Office for Civil Rights

(The following is a partial text of the Harvard Affirmative Action Plan. The plan was submitted by Harvard on February 5, 1971 and accepted by HEW on February ll. The original plan, submitted by Harvard on November 2, 1970, was rejected by HEW on the grounds that it did not include specific goals and timetables for the correction of deficiencies in minority and female hiring.)
