
Powerful Indian Squad Trips Yardling Booters

Freshman soccer, hard-driving but simply outclassed, fell to Dartmouth 4-0 at Hanover yesterday.

Harvard Coach Dana Getchell said the loss "did not surprise " him; he described the Big Green squad as "the finest frosh team I've seen come out of Dartmouth in 16 years of coaching."

The Crimson nevertheless fought to a remarkably even match through the first three quarters. Fullback Steve Meade and halfback Terry Ferguson fired up the defense against Frank Gallo, Keith Mierez, and Steve Buglioni of the outstanding Indian attack.

Harvard's backfield stymied Dartmouth with repeated clutch saves before Buglioni at last was able to convert on a fluke goal in the last seconds of the first quarter.

Last-minute position changes meanwhile tended to break up and disorient the Crimson attack. Getchell moved Frank Gerold from left half to start a center forward for the first time; Jerry Healinger, normally starting right half, found himself doubling as left inside later in the game.


The Harvard attack, in spite of problems of coordination, set up several promising attempts on goal. Getchell was pleased with his new combinations at offense. "Gerold especially has a real driving instinct to score--he likes to do that about the best of anything." he said.

The Dartmouth frosh were regarded a understandably formidable opposition. In six matches this season the Big Green has gone undefeated and has allowed just one goal by its competitors. Gallo and Buglioni, each of whom scored again in the fourth quarter of the Harvard game, are but two of seven Dartmouth freshmen who will move up to the Varsity next year, according to the Indian coaching staff.

Dartmouth, in addition, played an unusual 4-4-2 formation which Harvard found difficult to cover, and impossible to score upon. By loitering behind with his own halfbacks, Buglioni, the Dartmouth left winger was able to draw open a hole in Harvard's protection, and then race through the gap for shots on through passes.

Dartmouth jammed four big, rambling fullbacks around the goal area--a normal formation calls for only two. The Harvard forwards, having to bear up under such heavy coverage, just could not draw the Dartmouth defense far enough off for a sustained passing attack, or a really hard, accurate shot.
