
Harvard Says Coaching Job Was Not Offered to Davis

Harvard denied yesterday that it had ever assured pro football star Willie Davis that the head coaching job here was his for the asking.

The denial came in response to an article by Dave Brady of the Washington Post. which appeared locally in the Boston Globe. In the story Davis was quoted as saying he had been told by a member of the selection committee that he was first choice. "All I had to do was make the decision," he told Brady.

Davis said last night. "It could've been a bit of optimism on my part. I have to go with their interpretation of what took place."

The Harvard interpretation of the events was circulated yesterday as a 175-word release asserting that Davis was "seriously considered" and invited back for a final interview but never given a definite offer. Joe Restic was the final choice as head coach.

Both Davis and a member of the committee asserted yesterday that they wanted to avoid "controversy." "It was most unfortunate that the article broke that way." Davis told the CRIMSON. "It all started as a rumor out of Chicago, and I wanted to clear the air. What I was trying to say was that they thought I was capable of handling [the situation the coaching job]," he added.


A member of the selection committee speculated that Davis might have been misquoted, but Brady vigorously denied the possibility and Davis did not complain of inaccuracies.

Davis, an All-Pro defensive end for the Green Bay Packers in his prime, wrote to the committee after being invited back to say that his business interests prevented him from remaining under consideration.

"I felt very proud that they had contacted me in good faith." he said. "I was pretty much in awe."

One Harvard spokesman explained that the committee had made it clear to Davis that he would have to take the job on full-time basis, thus precluding his business activity.

"We made it clear that we weren't interested in a Jordan Olivar situation." the source added. Olivar, head coach at Yale from 1952-1962, was in New Haven only during the immediate season and spent the rest of the year elsewhere in business affairs.

About a year ago Davis. who has a degree from the University of Chicago Business School, became president of the Willie Davis Distributing Company, an affiliate of Schlitz Breweries. He wants to continue in this position.

Harvard first talked to Davis when selection committee member John Reardon. an admissions officer, visited him in Les Angeles. Reardon was on a West Coast trip.


Davis was invited to Cambridge for an interview and came November 13, two days before he was to do a telecast of the San Diego-Patriots game at Harvard Stadium. He met with the committee at dinner and made a "great impression." according to Adolph W. Samborski. acting director of Athletics and a member of the committee.

Reardon called him the next week and asked him back, and Davis agreed. Reardon could not be reached last night for comment on the exact content of his remarks to Davis. A few days later, Davis wrote asking that his name be withdrawn.
