
Harvard Refuses To Cooperate On Draft, Says Tarr

Harvard has refused to cooperate with local draft boards seeking information on student deferment cases, according to the Selective Service System.

Draft Director Curtis W. Tarr submitted a list of colleges in 11 states which have refused to cooperate to a special House Subcommittee on the Draft last summer. The list was published yesterday.

The report cited Harvard, the University of Massachusetts and M.I.T. as reporting changes in student status to the local draft boards only on request of students.

Complete Compliance

James B. Fox Jr. '59, director of the Office of Graduate and Career Plans, said last night, "So far as I know, the University is in complete compliance with all selective service laws and regulations."

Tarr said some draft boards were having trouble finding out whether students with deferments had dropped out of school, were still students or had graduated. He cited "increased reluctance of colleges and universities to cooperate with us in these matters."



Among the other colleges named in the report were Dartmouth, Brown, Yale, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Illinois and Bemidji State University in Minnesota.
