
Harvard SDS Sets Meetings, Film Series

Harvard-Radcliffe SDS will inaugurate its summer chapter with a meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Emerson 105.

The summer program-the first official summer campus program in SDS's history-will include a film series and the possible formation of committees to study problems of racism, male chauvinism, and anti-war organizing, according to its organizers.

Robert M. Krim '70, a member of SDS, said that the meeting tonight will probably divide into discussion groups concerned with this spring's national student strike.

"This is intended to acquaint people from other campuses with SDS and the type of thing that the Harvard chapter has been doing." he said.

Other meetings will be scheduled later in the summer. The films will be shown at 7:30 and 10 p.m. Wednesday nights at 2 Divinity Ave.

