

The following is a schedule of meetings that have been scheduled in the College and the graduate schools to discuss participation in the University wide strike ratified at last night's meeting. This list includes all meetings the CRIMSON knew of at press time; other meetings will be announced later.

8 a. m.-Meeting of Ed School faculty, students, and administrators to consider the strike, office of Dean Theodore Sizer.

10 a. m.-Meeting of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to discuss University-wide strike, Sanders Theatre.

Ed School Academic Policy Committee. Emergency meeting. Call x3511 for location of meeting.

Meeting to set up strike committee, Emerson Hall.


Meeting for picketing at University Hall.

12 noon-Ed School, main meeting to discuss relationship of Ed School students, faculty, and administration to University strike, Longfellow 100.

Mass picket line in front of State House in Boston to demand immediate withdrawal of U. S. troops from Southeast Asia, and adoption of war referendum bill by State Legislature. Sponsored by SMC.

1 p. m.-University employees willmeet to consider their role in the strike, William James 1.

3 p. m. -Meeting of teaching fellows to discuss the strike, Emerson 105.

4 p. m. -Meeting for women only, Lawrence Hall.

Thursday, 4:30 p. m. -Women's demonstration on Cambridge Common to demand U. S. troop withdrawal from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos; and freedom for Bobby Seale, other Black Panther Party members, and all political prisoners. Sponsored by Bread and Roses.
