WASHINGTON, May 21-Rumors that ? radicals and black militants could ?ded into concentration camps under ? 50 Internal Security Act are not ?ic, the American Civil Liberties said Thursday.
?law empowers the Attorney Gen? set up concentration camps for ?sives and saboteurs" under three ?ns: when Congress has declared ?hen the United States has been ?: or when there is an insurrection ?he U. S. in aid of a foreign enemy.
?nce Speiser, director of the ? Washington office, said yesterday. ? campus or ghetto radical the ?ty that the federal government ?rpret their activities as insurrec? in the U. S. in aid of a foreign ?s not as remote as it might seem ?bers of Congress."
Statement came before the House ?ee on Internal Security.
?ent Nixon has attempted to allay ?rs by urging repeal of the 1950 ?t Richard H. lchord (D.-Mo.), ? of the House Internal Security ?ee, said repeal of the law, with ?ntees of civil liberties, would ?e President even greater leeway ? unlimited roundups of dissidents ? of Japanese-Americans during ?ar II.
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