About 150 students munched apples and cheese sandwiches and debated with follows of the Center for International Affairs yesterday afternoon during a non-violent mill-in called by the Strike Steering Committee and the November Action Committee.
The protestors talked for two hours with Robert B. Bowie, director of the CFIA, Gustay Papanek, head of the Center's Development Advisory Service (DAS), and other CFIA members, and then left peacefully.
NAC had originally voted to hold a militant "insurgency teach-in" -at which CFIA staff members would not be permitted to speak-coupled with a militant picket line around the building.
However. the Strike Steering Committee voted Tuesday night to restrict the action to a peaceful mill-in, and NAC agreed to the change.
At 1 p.m. yesterday, the demonstrators rallied on the steps of Memorial Hall to hear Arthur MacEwan, assistant professor of Economics and research fellow of the CFIA. tell the crowd that the CFIA "supports repression, supports corruption."
The crowd then moved out of the Yard to the CFIA. chanting "Power to the people" and "Hey, hey, CFIA, how many coups did you pull today?"
At the CFIA, the crowd moved througha group of senior tutors and House masters who had gathered to observe the demonstration and up to the second floor of the building. where a table of cheese sandwiches. apples. and glasses of milk had been set out for them.
Joseph S. Nye. program director of the CFIA. told the students. "If people want food. there's food and if people want to discuss. there are people here willing to discuss," He also announced that Papanek would be willing to debate a representative from NAC at 8 p.m. tonight at Winthrop JCR.
Small groups split off into adjoining rooms to discuss the M.I.T. instrumentation labs, the role of the CRR. and the CFIA.
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