

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The Freshman barricade of the ROTC building last Tuesday night, after the strike vote, was the first indication that our struggle this spring may really have an effect on ending the war and racism in this country. In the context of the comment by one of the SDS attackers that "If we fight the students, the movement is dead." it may be that the notions of "revolution" have finally come of political age and have redized (as: SDS did long ago) that the name of the game is taif???

Many members of SDS. RYM. and NAC are well-intentioned, but I am forced to condemn their quest for an unrealistic goal when unquestionably brilliant tactics are applied so as to result in both polarizing the power structure to take a hard line on the war and, worst of all, in precipitating a wave of repression which does not affect them but is instead applied to those for whom they would have us believe they fight, i.e.. Black people, Shannon Hall may come to mean that those of us who have been forced into politics because of our concern for injustice will learn to use the tools of that science well enough to accomplish our goals and thus to escape the ignominy of serving as scapegoats in a battle of far right and extreme left. I, for one, feel that we can no longer afford the luxury of saying "a plague on both your houses." but instead must take affirmative action.

This interpretation of the significance of last Tuesday's incident means to me the beginning of appropriate student action to insure the success of our struggle by a concerted militancy directed toward those who are unresponsive in public office and against those who do not share our desire for peace NOW.
