
Three Ivy Papers Will Enter Marathon

The Daily Pennsylvanian is sending two ??? and the Columbia Spectator one in ??? ??? to defea: the Harvard CRIMSON in the Boston Marathon April 20.

The CRIMSON which easily outdistanced the. Yale Daily News in last year's Marathon, sent challenges to all Ivy Leagne newspapers this spring Most of the newspapers however were reluctant to take part.

??? Nickerson of the Daily Princetonian said that three members of their staff ??? went out running one nigh but ??? to drop Marathon pians after finishing.

If At First . . .

The Yalie Daily replied with a short letter which said. "We have always advocated trying and then trying again. until meeting success, but there comes a time when coutinually losing becomes psychologically damaging. We look forward to reading about the Marathon in the papers." The Daily has lost to the CRIMSON in both football and basketball so far ??? year.


In contrast. Jeff Rothbard. coach of the team from the Pennsylvanian, talked enthusiastically about his runners. Freshman Rick Furlong and sophomore Pete Kovitch were both among the best highschool runners in New Jersey in their prime. and though neither competes in track at college. Rothbard claims that they are still outstanding.


Jim Fallows. Jim Hines and Bennett Beach are the CRIMSON competitors, but both Hines and Fallows have decided not to enter.

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