
Lacrosse Team Trounces Adelphi, 14-1, To Conclude Encouraging Southern Trip

Snow, rain, and determined effort by Harvard's lacrosse team helped make the annual Southern trip an exceptional one for the Crimson as the team returned to Cambridge in good health and with high morale.

Because of poor weather, Harvard did not play Farleigh Dickinson. Rutgers, or Washington. In its two games, the Crimson lost, 9-7. to Navy and trounced Adelphi, 14-1. In the past, Harvard has suffered extensive injuries during this week and has often become demoralized after losing against must of its opponents.

The main question mark before the trip was whether or not the defense could significantly improve upon its 1969 performance, and in both games last week it gave indications that it has improved considerably.

Harvard did well to hold perennially powerful, Navy to less than ten goals in the season opener, and the Midshipmen did much of their scoring by capitalizing on mistakes common at this early date. Against Adelphi on Hofstra University's asiroturf, the Crimson defense had little trouble turning back Adelphi's attacks and then quickly clearing the ball.

"The defensive midfield was especially impressive." captain Bruce Regan said yesterday. "The two things we have to work most on now are coordination between our defense and midfield and between our attack and midfield," he added, "It's just a matter of timing."


Phil Zuckerman and Cle Landolt, both of whom play first attack with John Ince, were the top scorers in the two games. At Adelphi, Zuckerman collected five goals and three assists, while Landolt poured in a total of 11 goals in the two games.

Coach Bruce Munro was also pleased with the trip. This isn't the same ball club anymore." he said Saturday while watching the Crimson roll up the score against Adelphi. "I'm not talking so much about the way they're playing, but you'll notice a new spirit." he explained.

Regan had been concerned about how the team would react to its first loss, but losing to Navy was not at all damaging psychologically. "We were happy with that game, and actually, if we had won, we might have gotten overconfident," he said.

The Crimson's next game is against M.I.T,. Wednesday on the Business School field.

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