
Allston Group Splits On Boys' Club Issue

Infighting at its meeting last night nearly tore apart the Allston community group that has been trying to block the building of a boys' club in Allston's Ringer Park, just after the group won its battle to stop construction of the club.

For the past week, Allston residents and Harvard students have been involved in the drive to prevent construction, which caused police to arrest 17 people last Monday.

Yesterday afternoon. John Black, spokesman for West End House. Inc. -the charitable foundation that is sponsoring the construction of the club-said that West End House would only build in the park if it had the support of Allston residents.

At last night's meeting of the Allston community group, there was sharp disagreement over whether West End House should be allowed to build in the park, in view of its willingness to cooperate with local residents.

"They [West End House] have bent over backwards to be nice to us." Marc Roffman, spokesman for the group, said after the meeting. "There is no doubt that we can keep the park but maybe we do need a boys' club," he added.

