Radcliffe women will be living at five Harvard Houses next year: Adams, Dunster, Lowell, Quincy, and Winthrop.
The ratio of men to women in each House will be about 4:1. About 77 Cliffies will live in Quincy, 70 in Lowell, 67 in Winthrop, 61 in Adams, and 60 in Dunster.
A total of 147 Radcliffe women are now living in Adams, Lowell, and Winthrop Houses as part of this Spring's experimental coed exchange. Coresidential living will be new to Dunster and Quincy Houses next year.
Three hundred thirty-five Cliffies-from all but the freshman class-will live at Harvard next year. The same number of Harvard men will live at Radcliffe. Quincy and one or two of the other coresidential Houses will be closed to sophomore Cliffies.
Radcliffe's Joint Committee-including students, faculty, and administrators-will meet with the school's Student Rooming Procedures Committee at 4 p. m. today to determine which Cliffies will live at Harvard. The 440 Cliffies who drew the lowest numbers in a lottery held earlier this month are eligible.
The committees will decide on a cutoff lottery number for each of the three classes involved in the exchange. Next year's seniors have the best chance of remaining on the Harvard-bound list, next year's sophomores the worst chance. The Radcliffe Residence Office in Fay Hall will have the final list tomorrow.
Preference Power
The rankings of preference which the 440 low-lottery Cliffies gave to Harvard Houses determined which ones would be coresidential.
The currently coresidential Houses-Adams. Lowell, and Winthrop-received no special consideration. But Cliffies now living at Harvard will be allowed to stay in their present House if they are on the final list of Harvard-bound women.
The assignment of Cliffies to Harvard Houses-like that of Harvard freshmen-will take into account personal preference and three factors designed to promote diversity in each House: class. field of concentration, and rank group.
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