
Light Crew Seeks Victory At Biglin Bowl Cup Race

Harvard's lightweight crew will try to extend its unblemished victory string to two today when it faces Dartmouth and M. I. T. at 3 p.m. in the annual Biglin Bowl cup race on the Charles River.

M. I. T., which suffered a one-length defeat to Yale last week on the Charles, could give the Crimson some trouble. It is highly unlikely that the Indians, who open their season today, will seriously challenge Harvard.

Befor the season began. Harvard coach Steve Gladstone rated M. I. T. and Yale as two of the best light weight crews in the East.

In the Eli-Engineer encounter last week M. I. T. held a three-quarters-length lead at the 1400-meter mark. The crews then ran into extremely heavy winds, and M. I. T., which did not weather the gusts as well as Yale found itself a full length behind at the 1500-meter mark.

Even though Gladstone rated Yale and M. I. T. as tough competition, it is hard to tell if either of these teams is even in the same league with Harvard. Earlier in the spring Gladstone rated Rutgers on a per with both the Elis and the Engineers and last week the Scarlet Knights bowed to the Crimson by about seven lengths.


Dartmouth on the basis of its light-weight teams performances last year, has at best a mediocre light team this year. The Indians finished more than 20 seconds behind Harvard in the Biglin race last year, and its freshmen were thrashed by the Crimson.

Junior varsity and freshman crews from the three schools will row in races before the varsity match. The Crimson JV and freshmen eights, fresh from troun?ng R?gers teams, should give the varsity a chance to complete a sweep.

All races will be 2000 meters long and will start at the Charles Street Bridge and end 500 meters past the M. I. T. boat-house.
