
B. C. Tuition Increase Provokes Students To Stage Strike

Eighty-five per cent of the student body at Boston College struck today to protest a $500 tuition increase.

The students are demanding that the administration either rescind, the increase or find a different proposal and put it before the student body for a vote.

Their demands are based on the argument that the administration first promised not to raise the tuition and then so thoroughly mismanaged the budget that they were forced to raise it.

At the present time, B.C.'s deficit stands at $5 million.

The administration plans to erase $3.2 million of that deficit by boosting the tuition from $2000 to $2500. Administrative cutbacks would turn another million off the deficit, and the remainder would be left unpaid.


Boston College's Director of Public Relations, John Larner, acknowledged that 85 per cent of the students participated in the strike, but he declined to conjecture on the University's response to the student's demands.
