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with my people in Mexico, mister, and I got sidetracked for a while. That's all."

"I'm only going as far as San Berdoo."

"We can make it just fine from there."

The mister driving has an Oklahoma accent and a square jaw like one Merilee once knew. As they near the Greyhound Station in San Bernadino, she asks if she can kiss him goodbye. Doubtfully he says don't mind if you do. They are at a stoplight. Merilee leans over Girl and her sweet mouth covers the man's, drawing strength and breath and everlasting resolution from him. He is startled and the cars behind him are tooting their horns. "What was that all about, hon?" he asks.

Merilee is gathering Girl to her and opening the door. "About? it's the ticket, mister. What I never got to do the first time and all I needed to make me complete." She gives him a V of blessing and trips dazzling into the depot.


28. California or true ending

As they near the Greyhound Station in San Bernadino, Merilee wakes up agains and says "Hey mister? would you mind so much taking me back to the mountains?"

I thought you were on your way south."

"I am. But my husband is lost up there and I got to find him. Can't go to Mexico incomplete like this, now can I?"

"Guess not." Mystified, the man makes a sudden U turn. "Take you as far as the beginning of the mountain road, honey."

"Swell. Girl and I can make it fine from there."

"You really married, hon? that's hard to believe."

"No, just hard to do," Merilee says.

"Tell you something else, mister. A secret."

"What's that?"

"I'm going to have me a child."

"A what?" He inadvertently starts to apply his brake.

"You know, a bambino. A little one. One of those trips with a mom and the milk and a dad and the booties and all that."

The man gives her a panicky look.

"Now don't get hassled brother, it's not tonight. Not yet. In a matter of months maybe," and Merilee smiles for the first of many times and folds her hands complacently over her belly.
