
Ecology Action Plans 'Earth Day' For April Environmental Teach-In

Harvard Ecology Action (HEA) will sponsor a "die-in" at Logan International Airport? to protest environmental pollution on April 22 as part of "Earth Day" -a national ?? teach-in to increase ecological awareness.

Later that day, HEA will join other ecology groups in a New England Ecology Action Confederation march from Park St. to Government Center, where Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis,) will speak at a rally.

Senator Edmund S. Muskie (D-Me.) and State Senator Joseph Mokely (D-South Boston) will outline the role of government in the ecology movement at a rally at Sanders Theatre on "Earth Day" eve. Representatives of the science and business communities and of the urban poor will also express their views on environmental problems.

The "die-in" will protest the noise and air pollution the supersonic transport jets (SSTs) will cause when they begin operation in the United States. The ceremony, called a "Festival of Death," will consist of the "mass extinction" of demonstrators at the Pan Am and TWA terminals.

To encourage Harvard students to participate in "Earth Day." HEA is urging Harvard professors to cancel their classes or at least discuss ecology on April 22.


On the long-term level, HEA is organizing a drive to persuade Congress to pass a Constitutional amendment which would provide legal recourse for those citizens who believe that their rights are being infringed by environmental pollution.
