
Track Team Heads South To Compete in Invitational

The Harvard track team has given up its annual spring outdoor training trip to Jamaica for the somewhat more dubious pleasures of Baton Rouge, La.

The Crimson will compete in the Louisiana State Invitational Track Meet on Saturday and then take on L. S. U. in a dual meet on March 31.

Coach Bill McCurdy is unable to make any predictions, "I don't really know how we'll fare since we've seldom entered competition this early in the season,"

McCurdy's teams have not lost a meet since last winter.

Judging from the indoor team's undefeated dual meet record this year, their Ivy Championship, their victory in the Heptagonals, and their third in the NCAA's, the Crimson could do very well.


If Harvard does do well, it will probably be on the strength of their distance and middle distance runners. Captain Keith Colburn, the NCAA Indoor champion in the 1000, will be competing in the 880 and the mile along with teammate Roy Shaw, while Dave Potretti will lead the two-milers. All three are consistent winners.

The Crimson is strong in the 440 with John Gillis and Tom Downer, but weak in the sprints.

With the exception of the shot put and discus, both weakened by last year's graduation. Harvard is strong in the field events. Long jumper Noel Hare finished third in the NCAA's last month, and javelin thrower Richie Szaro holds the New England intercollegiate record.

The Crimson will compete for the L. S. U. Invitational crown with Minnesota, Drake Northern Illinois. Lamar Tech. Louisiana Tech, Southwest Louisiana State, Tulane, and L. S. U. before returning to the mud and rain of Cambridge in April.
