(Special to the CRIMSON)
STORRS, Conn.-David Hilliard, chief of staff of the Black Panther Party, said last night at Jorgenson Auditorium that if whites do not come to Bobby Seale's defense and the defense of the black liberation movement, the Panthers will move on their own and that there will be what Hilliard sees as a politically detrimental race war rather than a politically beneficial class war.
Hilliard, who braved bomb threats to speak, said that the Panthers think that Seale will die in the electric chair.
To Take Lives
"Not only will we burn buildings, we will take lives. We will do whatever is necessary to make white people understand that we are not going to allow genocide," Hilliard said.
When the Chicago Seven called on Bobby Seale he came," Hilliard said. "It resulted in his arrest. We expect white people to do the same for Bobby." he added.
Hilliard was preceded by Jean Genet, who opened the program by saying, "We have the painful privilege of being free on the same territory where Bobby Seale is a prisoner."
Genet continued for several minutes before Hilliard rose to the microphone and said that "the auditorium pigs" had told him that several bomb threats had been phoned in. He asked the crowd whether they wanted to stay in the auditorium or move to another location.
The crowd. largely white middle-class, faltered for a moment and then began to chant "Stay, stay."
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