
NAC Discusses Plans To Obstruct Recruiter

Plans to obstruct the Honeywell recruiter coming to Radcliffe on Friday to interview women for computer programming jobs were discussed by about 40 people at the NAC meeting held last night.

NAC members strongly objected to Honeywell's $500 million annual production of defense weapons for the government and severely criticized Honeywell's fragmentation bomb, which kills and maims but does not damage buildings or tanks.

Honeywell was scheduled to come to Harvard Monday but cancelled when no one expressed interest. Five Cliffies are signed up for interviews on Friday at Radcliffe.

The women at the meeting had met earlier with some SDS women to discuss the feasibility of holding an all-woman demonstration Friday in Fay House-where the recruiter is scheduled to appear.

They reported that because there were not enough SDS representatives to commit their organization's participation, another women caucus would be held to night to finalize plans.

