
Girls Might Play On House Teams

Girls may soon play on the Lowell, Adams, and Winth?op House intramural teams.

Arthur T. Evans III '70 and J. Cleve Livingston '70, secretaries of athletics for Lowell House, suggested including girls on the teams after a Lowell House girl offered to compete with the House swimming team. The girl, Nancy J. Altanan '71, has swum in the past with the Ra?lcliffe team.

Floyd S. Wilson, Director of Intramural Athleties, refused to permit Miss Altman to swim in a meet last night, but did ask the secretaries of athleties from the Houses to discuss the matter. Wilson said a final decision would have to come from the Faculty Committee on Athletic Sports.

Girls are permitted to participate on some of the intramural teams at Yale, which recently went coed, Wilson said. Teams such as volleyball and swimming are coed at Yale but football remains all male.

"I've always wanted to beat up a boy," one potential female jock said.

