
News Briefs

'Cliffe Acting Dean

Dorothy Zinberg, research sociologist to the University Health Services, will act as dean of North House this Spring, during Dean Catherine Williston's sabbatical.

Although her only previous administrative experience at Radcliffe has been as a freshman advisor, Mrs. Zinberg said she planned to spend a night at Radcliffe so she could "get a chance to see what it's like."

She presently holds a National Science Foundation post-doctoral fellowship to do research in the Chemstry Department on the impact of freshman year on choosing careers.

Mrs. Zinberg was the head sectionwoman for several years in the course on the life cycle taught by Erik Erickson, professor of Human Development, and lectured occasionally in Social Science 142.

She has no specific plans at present but said she wanted to encourage more discussion between students and faculty. "I know plenty of faculty members who would love to meet some students." Mrs. Zimberg said.


She said that the institution of coed housing will probably act as a catalyst to stir up the present housing situation, where each house becomes a "closed community." "There is an air of change; I think things may really take off now," she said.

Sugar Brigade

One Harvard and one Radcliffe junior are among a group of about 600 Americans who will help the Cubans harvest their sugar crop.

"I support the Cuban revolution and I think you've got to make that support concrete," Sandra Gove '71 said. She will go to Cuba this month with a group of about 50 Boston area residents including David Adams '71.

A first detachment of 216 Americans have been in Cuba since early December. Both groups are part of the International Veneceremous Brigade which is helping the Cubans harvest what they hope will be a record ten million ton sugar crop.

The Americans will be stationed at a camp in Havana Province with an approximately equal number of young Cubans. They will spend about six weeks cutting sugar cane and will travel for two weeks before returning home.

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