
Concert Band Will Now Accept Cliffies For First Time in Its Playing History

Another bastion of conservatism has fallen in the struggle for women's liberation-along with the Administration and the Houses, the University concert band is admitting Cliffies for the first time in its 50-year history.

But women still will not be accepted by the football band, cautioned James D. Dill 71, University band manager. "This means that girls won't march with us on the field," he said.

The concert band is taking Cliffies to enlarge its wind section. "There just aren't that many male flute players around," Dill said.

The football band is not admitting women because "our looseness and lewdness are just too sacred to us," Dill said. "We play at boxing matches and hockey games and our annual banquet has always been a stag-type affair," he added.

Sally F. Dorfman '71 was the first woman accepted by the concert band. "There might be other places where my crusading energies can be more valuable, but I just like the band's spirit," she said.


Miss Dorfman is also a member of the University Wind Ensemble, which shares its officers and facilities with the band. The wind ensemble has been coed for two years.
