
Vote ?? Supercouncil Delay ?? Indefinitely

The Supercouncil ?? originally set ??istration yesterday, has been postponed indefinitely.

The referendum ?? authorized ??lents about to be elected to three new Faculty ?? and the stud? the Committee of Rights and Responsibilities ?? official Harvard student government. It would also have given them ?? obtained by a?? $10 to the term bill of each Harvard student-to ?? their activities a??se of the House committees.

John D. Hanify '71 ?? of the form?? Harvard Undergraduate Council and organizer of the ?? postponed two weeks last Sunday, after 40 eating lunch in the Dunster Ho??ning hall signed a petition ask?? a postponement.

Elections Coming

??ause Dean May has asked him to ??ze the student elections for the Fa?? committee as soon as possible, Ha??aid, he will proceed to set up th?? ??ections and let the students el??rganize a Supercouncil referend?? they wish, after they have taken of??.


??ot going to turn this into a onem??sade," Hanify said yesterday. "If a?? else is interested in this thing, t?? better get off their asses and do s??ng."

??e Committee chairmen will assem?? 2 Dunster Street tonight for a lot?? determine representation of the ?? on the different committees. Five ?? will have one member each on the ??ittee on Students and the Commun?? ?ree houses will have a representation the Committee on Undergraduate ??tion; two will have a representative ?? permanent Committee of Rights ??esponsibilities. After the first year, committee posts will rotate among ?ouses.

Houses will have one member each on the Committee on Houses and ??rgraduate Life.

??e House Committees will be in ??ge of the elections in their own

Houses. The elections will probably be held within two weeks.

?????? group calling ????? Ad Hoc Committee ? To ????? council" p????? council had been "undemocratically presented," because it was proposed by the Fainsod Committee and not the students. Actually, the Supercouncil idea was originated by Hanify and two student members of the Committee of Fifteen. The Fainsod report does not mention it.
