
Twenty-Five Seniors Are Honored As Wilson Fellowship Designates

Twenty-five Harvard and Radeliffe seniors have been named Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Designates.

The Foundation chose the Designates as "the most intellectually promising" 1970 graduates planning careers as college teachers. In the competition, 1.153 students were selected from approximately 12.000 candidates who were nominated by over 800 colleges throughout the United States and Canada.

Designated List

A list of the Designates is sent to all graduate school deans with the recommendation that the schools provide fellowships for the winners. Most of the Designates will obtain grants from their chosen schools.

Among former Designates are eleven college presidents, consumer crusader Ralph Nader, and poet Erica Mann.

Harvard Winners

Winners from Harvard and their fields of concentration are William A. Bell '70. Psychology; Kenneth J. Barnes '70. Economics; Peter M. Blumberg '70. Biochemistry; Gary E. Chamberlain '70, Economics; Brent E. deChene '70, Linguistics; Alexander J. Field '70, Economics; Richard A. Frank '70. Psychology; Gregory B. Gabriel '70. History; Lawrence F.Kohl '70, American History: Albert B. Masters '70, English; John B. McBrearty '70. Social Relations; Edward McGaffigan Jr, '70. Physics; Henry C. Pinkham '70, Mathematics: Alan M. Polinsky '70, Economics; Robert T. Teske '70, Folklore and Classics; Peter M. Thomas '70, English: David W. Tresemer '70, Social Psychology; Paul S. Viita '70, Economics; Peter S. Wells '70, Anthropology; Wood-ring E. Wright '70, Biology.


The Radcliffe Designates are Alice C. Galenson '70, Economics; Bernice A. Heilbrunn '70, History; Diana O. Pinto '70, History; Suzanne B. Schneider '70, English: Karen J. Winkler '70, History.
