
Men Take Office At 'Cliffe Dorms

At Briggs Hall Thomas P. Southwick '71 and his "male chauvinist party" have captured four offices in dorm elections, bringing to nine the total of Harvard men holding Radcliffe dorm offices.

Markham Kirsten '71, representative to East House Committee from Eliot Hall, said yesterday, "This may be the beginning of a subversive plot by Harvard men to take over Radcliffe by gaining offices."

However, not all Radcliffe dorms have been open to male candidates. Comstock Hall held elections a week before the boys moved in.

Louise Reid '73 said, "I don't want any guys as officers over here. Radcliffe government is the only place where girls have any chance at all to be officers. When government goes coed the girls will always defer to the guys."
