
Pusey Resolution Stirs Up Council

The name of Nathan Marsh Pusey, President of Harvard University, has always been good for stirring up a heated debate within the Cambridge City Council, and last night-when the Council considered a resolution praising the outgoing Pusey-was no exception.

Though no city councillor condemned Pusey, several differed sharply on sections of a resolution which Councillor Edward A. Crane '35 offered, lauding Pusey's tenure at Harvard, and specifically, his handling of last April's crisis. The resolution eventually passed by a narrow majority.

After listening to the resolution which stated the council "herewith expresses its pride in the manifold accomplishments of this able administrator, talented author, dedicated teacher, and LOYAL son of Harvard. Councillor Thomas Coates commented. I almost expected the end of this resolution to read somewhere near the pearly gates. I have trouble believing President Pusey's still alive."

Obviously somewhat angry. Crane told Coates that he (Crane) had attended last Saturday's Harvard-Boston College basketball game, and that-largely through the efforts of Pusey-all five starters on Harvard's freshman team were blacks.

"I think that's commendable," Coatesreplied. "now if President Pusey had been able to assure me of five able black administrators . . . ." Crane shot back, "He's already got a good start on that."


Councillor Barbara Ackermann questioned a section of the resolution which approved Pusey's calling for police aid to clear University Hall last April-an action which. the resolution said. "foreclosed the probability of a Cambridge Massacre and widespread destruction." She accused Crane of inserting the section in order to embarrass those councillors. including herself. who did not approve of the police action.

In reply, Crane said, "I'm not engaged in working up a watered-down resolution" It University Hall had not been "cleared by a massive display of force." he said," a brigade of townies and gownies and alumni was making up" to clear the hall, with guns if needed. "It was a very fortunate thing for Harvard and Cambridge that University Hall was vacated without bloodshed," he concluded.

When a vote on the resolution came. five city councilors voted "yes" Mrs. Ackermann voted "no," while councillor Robert P. Moncreiff and President Pusey's old nemesis, Councillor Alfred E. Vellucci. abstained.
