
Dionne Gets a Pot for Her Femininity

Hosty Pudding Theatricals presented their 20th annual Woman of the Year award last night to singer Dionne Warwick. Pudding members heralded the award as precedent setting. This is the first time. they said, it has ever been given to a vocalist.


"The Hasty Pudding Theatricals has long held womanhood and the performing arts in high esteem." explained Theatrical president Christopher R. Tunnard 71, "and it is honored to present this award in recognition of great artistic ability and feminine qualities."

Pudding President Roy F. Coppedge 70 presented Miss Warwick with the official Hasty Pudding pot. Miss Warwick, puffing on a Virginia Slim. said. "It is quite an honor to be presented with this pot. Every time I use it. I'll think of Harvard and all the-esteem they have for feminine qualities."

Tie Talk

At a reception afterwards, she asked a likely candidate, "Is that a Hasty Pudding tie?"

"No," he gleamed, gin dripping on it from the cherry between his teeth, "it's an Andover Shop tie."

