
Crimson Matmen Will Host Rutgers Grapplers Tonight

The Harvard wrestling team hosts Rutgers tonight at 7 p.m. in the IAB, but its thoughts will be in Princeton. New Jersey site of Saturday's match with the Ivy-League-leading Tigers.

Certainly. Harvard coach John Lee wants to win against Rutgers tonight, but it is obvious that he considers other things more important-like beating Princeton.

"That's the big one," he said of the Princeton meet.

Strategy plays an important role in Lee's actions this week. Ailing Pa? Coleman, back after sitting out two weeks with a turn ?? in his nose, will not compete tonight.

"I'd really like to use him." Lee said, "but I just don't want to risk not having P?t for the Princeton meet,"


Since Coleman will wrestle at 142 for the rest of the season, rather than at 150, captain Paul Catinella will move down a weight class to 134. Catinella, in fact, will go at 134 tonight so that he will be accustomed to that weight for Saturday's action.

Pete Everts, Catinella is back-up man at 142, has not recovered from a knee injury, so Rick Battle (134) will fill in for Catinella.

Stopping Monday to ponder tonight's match. Lee described Rutgers as a "spotty" team. "Other than one or two outstanding guys, they have a lot of wrestlers that are kind of fair." he said.

The best Rutgers performers are Dennis Smith (1??), George Bellino (458), and Paul Milea (unlimited). Not unlike all of Harvard's recent matches, tonight's could go either way "It should be close but I think we can win." Lee said.

Mike Slutzker, fresh from victories against Columbia and ??, was scheduled to hold a wrestle-off with Colin Mangrum, one of two Crimson victors against Springfield, yesterday afternoon to determine the starter against Bellino at 158.

The rest of the Harvard lineup will remain the same, with Faller, Rayner, Scanlon, and Abbott favored in the heavyweight bouts. Abbott, who won by forfeit Saturday against Columbia, will face the ??nest test of the meet when he comes up against Milea.
