(Special to the CRIMSON)
CLEVELAND, OHIO, Feb. 13- Anti-war organizers from all over the country streamed into Case Western Reserve's (C. W. R. U.) student union last night in preparation for the Student Mobilization Committee's (SMC) weekend conference here. By 9:30 p. m. the 2600 spaces allotted for bedrolls had all been claimed, and the flow of incoming delegates showed no sign of decreasing.
The SMC National Steering Committee met at 8 p. m. to finalize the weekend's agenda and to elect conference officers. Dan Gurewitz, a 23-year-old graduate of C. W. R. U., was elected chairman of the conference and Jeff Meloriwitz, a Chicago high school student was named conference secretary. Richard Osborne '72 is the Harvard-Radcliffe SMC's representative to the steering committee.
In another assembly room hundreds of early arrivals engaged in a heated discussion over the purpose of the conference. The major lines of debate for the
weekend were quickly suggested Student attitudes toward workers, the question of violence, and the relationship of the war to other political issues were the major concerns of each speaker.
The conference officially opens today with the welcoming address and separation into specialized workshops, the conference plenary session, where various delegations will submit their proposals for the Spring anti-war offensive. The proceedings will begin tonight and continue through Sunday night.
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