
Swordmen Even Season's Record With Easy Victory at Holy Cross

The varsity fencers evened their season's record last night at 4-4 with an easy 21-6 victory over Holy Cross in Worcester.

The Crimson overwhelmed the Crusaders in the epee and the foil, taking 16 out of 18 bouts. Without the aid of Larry Cetrulo, the sabre squad managed only a one-bout advantage.

Coach Edo Marion rested Cetrulo and Tom Keller in anticipation of the Ivy match against Penn Saturday.

John Reitz, competing in three epee bouts, won all of them by scores of 5-2. The weak Crusader team, however, did not provide the competition Reitz needs to regain his lost timing. The hapless Crusaders managed to win their one epee bout against sophomore Rick "Balls" Bargaro.

Mainly Enthusiasm


Holy Cross is a typical New England fencing team-some enthusiasm but very little experience. "Holy Cross had only three good fencers and all the rest had very little experience," Marion said after the one-sided victory last night.

At the foil, Cliff Ruderman and Art Weissman each won two bouts. But sophomore Phil Castle outdid more experienced Crimson foilers, winning three bouts, and earned himself a starting berth against the Quakers Saturday. "His performance was very encouraging." Marion said.
