To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
Contrary to popular belief, all Lesley girls do not wear false eyelashes.
The Lesley stereotype seems to have gotten a little bit out of hand. I question how our reputation originally got started. It seems to be due to unfair comparison with "Cliffies." We're considered lower in intelligence, vain, and superficial in appearance and personality. No wonder Lesley is more commonly known as Harvard's bedroom.
Why are these characteristics attributed only to Lesley girls? The typical "Pseudo-Sophisticate" can be found anywhere. I don't deny that this also includes Lesley College but the gross generalization Harvard boys have brought the matter to is unfair.
Lesley is a teacher's college and many of us are dedicated to its cause. What could be more worthwhile to the future of America than people who want to teach our children the truth?
In case it's outward appearance you're concerned with, I'm sure if you look with an open mind you'll find many Lesley girls free from any signs of makeup and other superficial boy traps. Then if you take the time to treat her like a person, you'll discover she also has a mind.
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